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Course Information
The Complete EMDR Therapy Course
This course will teach clinicians interventions for every step of the way in treatment from “hello” to “congratulations! You’ve completed therapy?” For example, they will learn current information and research on trauma and neurobiology so they have a base for their practice and information to share with client, they will learn how to take a trauma / loss list during their history taking phase, they will learn several relaxation and resource tools for the preparation phase and they will learn the EMDR protocol for the therapy phases. They will learn EMDRs mechanisms of effect (REM sleep, working memory, etc.), modality (steps in the procedure) and model (AIP). They will learn EMDR specific tasks such as how to help a client get unstuck in their work (cognitive interweaves), how to do a float back to check for other past experiences that need work, how to work with a cluster of experiences (things that happens over and over again) and how to do a future template to prepare clients for future situations (dating, family gatherings, job interviews, etc.). They will learn EMDR protocol variations for special populations such as children, addictions and dissociation. They will also receive case consultation on their cases via their client videos, filling out and presenting case consultation forms and general discussion.
This program is for 56CE
There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
For more information on about this course, click here.

Kriss Jarecki, LCSW-R
Harmonyhearth Center for Wisdom
Kriss Jarecki, LCSW-R, has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1987. She is a consultant and trainer for Progressive Counting and EMDR and an advanced training provider. Kriss currently serves on the EMDR International Association Board of Directors and was a member of the EMDRIA Standards and Training Committee for four years. She served as a co-regional coordinator for the WNY EMDR Regional Network for 10 years, worked for 7 years as a field instructor for the UB School of Social Work and has over ten years’ experience as a clinician and supervisor in the field of chemical dependency. Kriss currently has a private practice serving teens through adults and treats challenges such as PTSD, self-injurious behaviors, depression, anxiety, phobias, and adjustment issues. She has published articles in the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Traumatology and Counseling and Psychotherapy Research. Kriss also provides several trauma related trainings such as Integrating Neuroscientific Interventions in Trauma Treatment, A Tour of Trauma Sensitive Techniques for the EMDR Practitioner, IFS Meets EMDR and Journey of the LGBTQ+ Community from Trauma to Triumph. Kriss presented “From Trauma to Triumph: Journey to Resiliency in the Community of Those with a Disability at the EMDR Canada 2022 conference and the EMDR International Association 2022 conference. You can email Kriss at
Her book, Say That Again: A Smorgasbord of Suggestions, Sayings and Scripts for the EMDR Practitioner was published on August 17, 2022.
Target Audience:
Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Nurses, Other: LMHC (All Levels)
Course Objectives:
- Articulate to client’s what trauma is (how it happens, symptoms, etc.)
- Inform about current research on trauma
- Present a trauma informed case formulation
- Utilize assessment questionnaires such as Post Traumatic Checklist-5, Impact of Events Scale, etc.
- Explain information about the history of EMDR (The discovery in the park and EMD to EMDR)
- Apply at least one intervention for every phase of treatment
- Name each of the 8 phases of EMDR
- Implement the Journey of Not So God Experiences and Journey of Great Oldies Good stuff
- Implement safe place, container and other relaxation and resource tools
- Implement target set up - Phase 3 Assessment
- Describe at least three options for target order
- Implement EMDR to a SUD of 0 and about the same twice in a row - Phase 4
- Implement installation of PC to VoC of 7 and about the same twice in a row - Phase 5
- Conduct a body scan until it’s clear - Phase 6
- Able to close down a session (container) Phase 7
- Implement Re-evaluation how to check-in and know where to go with the check-in information)
- Explain at least one way to integrate the interventions including EMDR into an existing practice
- Describe how EMDR replicates REM sleep
- Describe how EMDR promotes mindfulness
- Describe the working memory theory for how EMDR might work
- Describe similarities / differences between EMDR and other therapies such as TF-CBT and Exposure.
- Describe EMDR’s model (Adaptive Information Processing AIP)
- Describe the EMDR procedure to a client
- Identify when and how to implement cognitive interweaves
- Explain and know when to apply float back
- Explain what a cluster is and how to use EMDR with clusters
- Describe and implement future template work
- Describe a beginning conceptualization of EMDR with special populations Military, Phobias, addictions, couples, etc.
- Describe a beginning conceptualization of how to use EMDR with children/teens
- Describe a beginning conceptualization of using EMDR with dissociation Sacred Space (Fraser’s table )
- Describe a beginning conceptualization of using EMDR with special situations such as phobias.
Tuition Includes
- PowerPoint slides, scripts, and handouts
- 56 CEs through R. Cassidy Seminars
- Meets EMDRIA minimum requirements for the entire basic training course (includes over 20 hours of didactic presentation and practicum and over 10 hours of consultation needed to complete the course.
Current eligibility requirements for EMDR basic training.
Required Text
Shapiro, F. (2018). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: Basic principles, protocols and procedures (3rd). New York: Guilford Press.
Jarecki, K. (2022). Say That Again! A Smorgasbord of suggestions, Sayings and Scripts for the EMDR Practitioner. Bookbaby Publishing
- You are required to attend all days and for the full day in order to receive a certificate from EMDRIA and CEs.
- You will be working on your own personal material with some of the interventions including EMDR. This allows participants to experience EMDR firsthand and allows for a more realistic experience for the therapist. Confidentiality is a must.
- If you need a payment plan, please let us know. Tuition paid in full is required by the end of day 2.
- You will need to have an active caseload in order to practice the interventions and do EMDR.
- You will be doing a client video, presenting cases for case consultation, practicing the interventions including EMDR, and participating in lecture and discussion. Though sharing your experiences helps all of us learn I want you to feel you can set a boundary with group discussions so, we hope you will participate but also take care of yourself and know the amount of group discussion is optional.
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 1 from 9:00-5:00
- Traumatology 101- Visual demo with a brain and interactive discussion (90 minutes all didactic and discussion) 9-10:30
- Introductions, housekeeping, course schedule and expectations
- We will define trauma by looking at how we normally digest experiences, potentially traumatic experiences and how
- digestion gets stuck, symptoms and behaviors that result, why parts/all of experiences get stuck, some trauma statistics
- and a brief intro to AIP as I will get into it in detail on day two. I will mention Epigenetics and the ACE Study and have
- them take the ACE questionnaire. If time permits, I’ll also discuss cultural considerations regarding trauma and trauma
- treatment. At the end of this section, I will have them experience floatback as it’s a great lead into the wheel turns and
- case formulation exercises we will do in the afternoon.
- Break (15 minutes) 10:30-10:45
- Phase 1: Client History and Treatment Planning. What does a trauma informed session look like from evaluation and
- beyond? Discussion, demo and practicum (120 minutes- 45 didactic and 75 practicum) 10:45-12:45
- We will discuss elements of a trauma informed/sensitive therapy session during evaluation and for the rest of treatment,
- what happens during phase 1 and discuss how to gather targets and they’ll practice this with the journey handout.
- A video of completing the journey questionnaire with a client will be shown if time permits.
- Lunch (30 minutes) 12:45-1:15
- Learn a resource called Positive Parts on the Team (video demo and practicum) – (90 minutes- 30 didactic
- and 60 practicum) 3:30-5:00
- We will learn and practice this resource and discuss “frontloading” with resources even before getting to phase 2.
- Break (15 minutes) 3:15-3:30
- Presenting the outcome of the evaluation- Case Formulation and treatment planning (discussion, demo and practicum)
- (120 minutes- 60 didactic/discussion and 60 practicum) 3:30-5:00
- We will use a case vignette to formulate a case formulation. Then, discuss how to present the case formulation to a client
- (this will be a group practicum. This will also include how to explain situation processing when it goes well, when it gets
- stuck, symptoms that result, an intro to EMDR, what other clients like about EMDR and sharing positives the client has to
- do the work. We will also look at a treatment plan for kids and adults. A client video of case formulation will be shown.
- 3hrs 45 min didactic 3 hrs 15 min practicum = 7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 2 from 9:00-5:00
- History of EMDR, research from 1987 to present, AIP model, mechanism of effect, EMDR and other therapies
- with visuals and discussion and practicum- Explaining EMDRs mechanism of effect to clients’ (90 minutes- 90 didactic)
- 9:00-10:30
- We will present the legend of Francine, change from EMD to EMDR, research from initial 1989 study to present and
- research on treatment resistant populations. We will discuss the AIP model, accelerated information processing, Memory
- Reconsolidation and more on neurobiology (from The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk. We will also discuss
- mechanisms of effect (REM sleep, working memory, mindfulness, etc. We will also discuss the relationship between and
- integration with other therapy orientations. We will introduce the questions asked in phase 3 just to point out how EMDR
- accesses several elements of a memory as opposed to other therapy orientations which access only one element.
- Break (15 minutes) 10:30-11:00
- Phase 2- Preparations- (120 minutes- 30 for didactic and 90 for practice) 11:00-1:00
- We will introduce the 8 phases and review phase 1. Then, explain phase 2 and learn and practice safe place, RDI and
- container. If there’s time, we will practice the eraser and/or TV tools.
- Lunch (30 minutes) 1:00-1:30
- Preparation cautions and dissociation (90 minutes- 75 didactic and 15 practicum) 1:45-3:15
- We’ll discuss preparation cautions such as medical issues, legal issues, epilepsy, secondary gains,, migraines, substance
- abuse, current events or stressors in a client’s life, etc. Then, we will have participants take the DES and begin to discuss
- dissociation: what it is, different DID measurements and spectrum of dissociation from primary to tertiary. We will look at
- and try on ways to help clients identify dissociation (see slides for techniques, interventions to help ground clients when
- they experience dissociation (see slides for techniques- participants will practice these.
- Break (15 minutes) 3:15-3:30
- Dissociation and a case consultation (90 minutes- 30 minutes didactic and 60 minutes practicum) 3:30-5:00
- We will continue to discuss dissociation by learning Creating a Sacred Space (Frasers Table) via Didactic, client Video and
- practicum. We will end with participants doing case consultation on one of their hardest clients (or two if time permits).
- 3hrs 45 didactic 3hrs 15 min practicum = 7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 3 from 9:00-5:00
- Case consultation and practice explaining the EMDR procedure to clients (120 minutes- 60 minutes is case
- consultation, 30 minutes didactic and 30 minutes is practicum) 9:00-11:00
- We will review Phases 1 & 2 by playing Jeopardy. We will introduce a couple more assessment questionnaires such as IES-
- R and PCL-5 (see slides. We will do a check-in (case consultation on work with clients so far). We will discuss and practice
- explaining the EMDR procedure to clients (ships in the night, distance, and speed of fingers and, practice dual attention
- and explaining the procedure and what to expect and show client video
- Break (15 minutes) 11:00-11:15
- A couple more preparation tools, target selection and order, Phase 3 and go over EMDR Session Worksheet (90
- minutes- 60 for didactic and 30 practicum) 11:15-12:45
- We will learn the stop signal. We will go over options for gathering targets and selecting target order. See slides and for
- details. We will go over and do a round robin to practice phase 3 assessment (side 1 of EMDR Session Worksheet, review
- and discuss the NC /PC list and then, go over page 2 of the EMDR Session Worksheet.
- Lunch (30 minutes) 12:45-1:15
- Client video and first EMDR practice (120 minutes- 30 minutes video didactic and 90 practicum) 1:15-3:15
- After watching a client video, the participants will have their first practice with EMDR. They will choose a current and not
- disturbing or mildly upsetting experience not on their list or connected to family just to practice the procedure. They will
- be in groups of 3 (therapist, client, and coach) and will rotate as each person finishes. We will have a debrief after.
- Break (15 minutes) 3:15-3:30
- Discuss phase 7 closure, talking to the client about what to expect between sessions and EM alternatives and devices.
- (90 minutes- 90 minutes didactic) 3:30-5:00
- We will go over phase 7 on EMDR Session Form. We will discuss ways to close a complete and incomplete session
- (container, go over the debriefing sheet and present options such as log for in between session reporting (show client
- closure video). We will then Discuss alternative direction of EM’s such vertical, diagonal, circle, infinity sign, etc. We will
- also discuss gadgets such as light bar, tappers, online DAS options and bi-lateral music. We will demo the gadget via
- visuals, online apps, and videos of me using mine. We will also discuss client reactions and what might come up during
- processing. 3hrs 30 min didactic 1hr consult 2hrs 30min practicum = 7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 4 from 9:00-5:00
- Review EMDR Session Form page 2 and blocked/stuck processing. Practice #2 (90 minutes- 30 minutes didactic and 60
- minutes practicum) 9:00-10:30
- We will go over page 2 of the EMDR Session Form to review phases 4-7. We will start the discussion about blocked/stuck
- processing by introducing a few ideas for dealing with wayward sessions. We will then have practice #2. A full discussion
- of cognitive interweaves will happen ON DAY 6.
- Break (15 minutes) 10:30-10:45
- Practice #3 (90 minutes- all practicum) 10:45-12:15
- Lunch (60 minutes) 12:15-12:45
- Clusters and practice #4 (120 minutes- 30 didactic and 90 practicum) 12:45-2:45
- Handouts explaining the procedure for clusters and a visual diagram will be given and reviewed We will show a client video of the movie of the whole thing part of the cluster protocol. Then, we will have practice #4
- Break (15 minutes) 2:45-3:00
- EMDR with special populations and special situations (120 minutes all didactic) 3:00-5:00
- Will discuss and explain any protocol variations for special situations such as anxiety / phobia, illness / somatic issues,
- grief and self-use of BLS. We will also discuss military, couples, sexual abuse victims, perpetrators, and complex PTSD.
- We will also explore cultural considerations for Queer, BIPOC folks, etc. We already addressed DID in day 2 but will elaborate further with EMDR when we discuss cognitive interweaves on day 6. 3hrs didactic 4hrs practicum = 7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 5 from 9:00-5:00
- Phase 8- Re-evaluation, 3 pronged approach and float back (90 minutes- 30 practicum and 60
- minutes didactic) 9:00-10:30
- We will get into pairs and practice the phase 8- Re-evaluation questions, discuss the variety of next moves depending on
- where a client is at with what’s been worked on and we will show a client video of a check-in. We will then continue to
- discuss the three-pronged approach and move into discussion of what is a float back.
- Break (15 minutes) 10:30-10:45
- What is and how to do a float back continued and EMDR practice #5 (120 minutes- 30 minutes didactic and 90 minutes
- practicum) 10:45-12:45
- We will continue to discuss what a float back is and when to use it along with showing a client video. Then, we will have a
- practice and participants will do a float back in this practice.
- Lunch (30 minutes) 12:45-1:15
- Practice # 6 (120 minutes- all practicum) 1:15-3:15
- Break (15 minutes) 3:15-3:30
- Practicum (90 minutes) 3:30-5:00 5hrs 30 min practicum 1hr 30 min didactic = 7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 6 from 9:00-5:00
- Wayward sessions, cognitive interweaves and practice #7 using CI. (120 minutes- 45 didactic and 75 practicum) 9:00-
- 11:00
- We will discuss many ways clients get stuck in processing (blocking beliefs, looping, miss matches, etc.) and ideas for
- helping them get unstuck- cognitive interweaves. Will show a client video of interweaves. Then, we will have practice # 7
- and they will be asked to try on 2-3 interweaves even if the client doesn’t need it just to practice.
- Break (15 minutes) 11:00-11:15
- Practicum (90 minutes) 11:15-12:45
- Lunch (30 minutes) 12:45-1:15
- EMDR with kids (120 minutes all didactic) 1:15-3:15
- We will go through each of the 8 phases and discuss how to explain them to kids, collecting targets via the Tree of Me
- exercise. We will discuss how to present a case formulation to kids and demonstrate a variety of ways to accomplish the
- 8 phases with kids. We will bring in materials such as puppets, jump ropes, wands, clay, the tree of me, crafts, books, kids
- cognition sheet
- Break (15 minutes) 3:15-3:30
- Discuss EMDRIA and steps to get certified. Case consultation (90 minutes- 30 didactic and 60 consultation) 3:30-5:00
- We will talk about EMDRIA and the benefits of membership. We will go over what’s needed to get certified (we will give
- the handout EMDRIA asked trainers to include). We will do case consultation where participants think of a difficult case,
- they fill out the As the Wheel Turns Case Consultation form and present the case formulation and we will do group
- consultation on these cases and any others brought up. Review how to video tape a client. If there’s time we will show
- another client video and case consultation on that client. 3h.15 min didactic 2hrs.45 min practicum 1hr consultation =7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 7 from 9:00-5:00
- Check-in via case consultation and start client videos (120 minutes all consultation) 9:00-11:00
- We will do a round robin with half the group asking each clinician to share something going well, something that didn’t go
- well and answer any consultation questions. We will start watching their client videos after that. We will give positive
- feedback, offer corrective action as needed and share additional ideas for the session as we watch the videos
- Break (15 minutes) 11:00-11:15
- Continue consultation via client videos (90 minutes all consultation) 11:15-12:45
- We will continue to watch their client videos and answering any questions and do the second half of the round robin
- Lunch (60 minutes) 12:45-1:15
- Future Template Protocol (120 minutes- 30 min didactic and 90 practicum) 1:15-3:15
- We will learn future template work via script, discussion, a client video and practicum
- Break (15 minutes) 3:15-3:30
- Continue consultation via client videos (90 minutes all consultation) 3:30-5:00
- We will continue to watch their client videos and answering any questions. We will do a case consultation first with one
- the trainer brings for the group to make suggestions and then one of their own cases doing a round robin of suggestions. 5hrs consultation 30 min didactic 90min practicum = 7
EMDR THERAPY COURSE DAY 8 from 9:00-5:00
- Case consultation and client videos (90 minutes all consultation) 9:00-10:30
- We will do half the group in a round robin and ask what’s going well, what’s not going well and answer any questions.
- Then, continue with client videos.
- Break (15 minutes) 10:30-10:45
- Case consultation and remainder of client videos (90 minutes all consultation) 10:45-12:15
- We will do the round robin with the other half of participants and finish any remaining videos. If there’s no more videos
- then, instructor will do a live demo or fill in with other activities we didn’t get to.
- Lunch (60 minutes) 12:15-12:45
- Review phases 1 & 2 of EMDR and Recent Events Protocol (120 minutes- 60 minutes didactic and 60 practicum) 12:45-
- 2:45
- We will review phase 1 (structure of a session, things that need to be done in phase 1, etc.) and phase 2 (relaxation and
- resource tools, education, presenting more about EMDR, etc.). We will also review the script for Shapiro’s EMDR Protocol
- for Recent Events and a summary of two other recent event protocols will be given- R-TEP and EMDR-RPECI. We will
- practice recent events protocol. video. Then they will practice.
- Break (15 minutes) 2:45-3:00
- Continue review phases 3-8, go through EMDRIA assessment and do a case consultation (120 minutes- 60 minutes
- didactic and 60 consultation) 3:00-5:00
- We will continue with review of the 8 phases- 3-8 (via discussion, playing the Jeopardy Game and a client video if time
- permits. Then, we will have participants fill out the case consultation form on a client of theirs and discuss the case. We
- will also go through the EMDRIA assessment questionnaire. We will have a graduation ceremony! 4hrs consultation 2hrs
- didactic 1hr practicum = 7
Total time- Didactic 21.15 hrs. Practicum 23.45 hrs. Consultation 11.00 hrs. = 56hrs
- The day segments are as follows- Days 1 and 2- about 3 weeks later days 3-6- about a month later day 7- and about a
- month later day 8. These are set up to give participant’s time to practice the interventions taught and to complete their
- videos. We can put days 7 and 8 together if desired.
Cancellation Policy:
- The course fee includes and exceeds the required 20 hours of didactic presentation, 20 hours of practicum and 10 hours of consultation
- Prior to 10 days before a course begins: we will refund your payment minus a $150 banking and administrative fees.
- After 10 days no refund, but welcome you at the next training at 50% off the registration fee.
- If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the course, please discuss the problem with the trainer so we can work together to determine a resolution.
ADA Needs