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Strengthening and Supporting Families: Promising Practices for Families of Justice-Involved Individuals

A growing body of research demonstrates that children and families experiencing the incarceration of a loved one face financial and emotional hardship, residential instability, behavioral problems, and other negative outcomes. In response to these issues and in an effort to mitigate the potential harm of incarceration on families and children, there are dozens of governmental and nongovernmental organizations across the country implementing programs and initiatives targeted to children and families of the incarcerated. This presentation will: a) highlight a range of initiatives, programs, and approaches to serving children and families of the incarcerated and discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of these initiatives/programs/approaches; b) discuss concrete practical lessons that can be gleaned from the research on these programs’ implementation and outcomes for children and families and those experiencing incarceration; and c) discuss the gaps in our understanding of these issues.


Jocelyn Fontaine, Ph.D.