
Full Embodiment-Healing Sexual Trauma

Questions in red are required
The program objectives were met.
1. Demonstrate a variety of targeted exercises that can be utilized in private practice, which will help clients heal from sexual trauma and sexual dysfunction
strongly disagree strongly agree
2. Identify practitioner implicit biases, plus topics concerning sexuality with which participants are uncomfortable.
strongly disagree strongly agree
3. Recommend practices that help clinicians feel more at ease discussing sexuality issues with clients, and have a wider scope of knowledge and education about sexuality and sexual issues
strongly disagree strongly agree
4. Practice self-awareness and inquiry about places of discomfort or avoidance in their own bodies so that they don’t unconsciously harm clients
strongly disagree strongly agree
5. Utilize a number of techniques that support clients in recognizing sexual triggers and how to return to a state of autonomic regulation.
strongly disagree strongly agree
6. Review the research of “Dual Mode Model of Sexual Dysfunction” as a tool to identify specific areas of comfort and discomfort in client’s relationship to their sexuality.
strongly disagree strongly agree
7. Apply exercises that are designed specifically to help clients find ease and pleasure intheir bodies after trauma to the body
strongly disagree strongly agree
8. Practice ways of working effectively with shame. Will include lecture, live demonstration and practice exercise
strongly disagree strongly agree
9. Discuss the anatomy and physiology of sexual response, which includes “arousal non-concordance”, often contributing to confusion and shame.
strongly disagree strongly agree
10. Demonstrate the most effective ways of working with extremely dissociated clients.
strongly disagree strongly agree
11. Describe specific, non-traumatizing techniques for re-working childhood sexual abuse
strongly disagree strongly agree
12. Discuss and understand the tendency to “appease” as a legitimate survival strategy
strongly disagree strongly agree
13. Distinguish and identify strategies to minimize clients’ tendencies to get re-violated aftersexual assault.
strongly disagree strongly agree
14. Practice boundaries and “embodied consent”, so clients can find their most “authentic” “yes” and “no”.
strongly disagree strongly agree
15. Identify specific techniques on working with couples when one partner has sexual traumain their history.
strongly disagree strongly agree
16. Recommend ways of supporting individuals with low libido or those in long-term relationships to find new ways of reawakening their arousal
strongly disagree strongly agree
17. Apply knowledge that discusses the unique qualities of male sexual abuse survivors.
strongly disagree strongly agree
18. List extensive resources which includes books, articles, podcasts, movies, documentaries and TED talks for further learning and inquiry
strongly disagree strongly agree
19. Accuracy and utility of content were discussed.
strongly disagree strongly agree
20. Content was appropriate for postdoctoral level training.
strongly disagree strongly agree
21. Instruction at a level appropriate to postdoctoral level training.
strongly disagree strongly agree
22. Teaching methods were effective.
strongly disagree strongly agree
23. Visual aids, handouts, and oral presentations clarified content.
strongly disagree strongly agree

Presenter: Ariel Giarretto, LMFT
1. Knew the subject matter
strongly disagree strongly agree
2. Taught the subject completely
strongly disagree strongly agree
3. Elaborated upon the stated objectives
strongly disagree strongly agree
4. Presented content in an organized manner
strongly disagree strongly agree
5. Maintained my interest
strongly disagree strongly agree
6. Answered questions effectively
strongly disagree strongly agree
7. Was responsive to questions, comments, and opinions
strongly disagree strongly agree

Professional & Ethical Issues
Presenter made clearly evident, prior to registration, the following:
1. Requirements for successful completion of activity
No Yes
2. Commercial support for CE program, sponsor, or instructor (or any other relationship that could reasonably be construed as a conflict of interest)
No Yes
3. Commercial support for content of instruction (e.g., research grants funding research findings etc.) that could be construed as a conflict of interest
No Yes
4. Commercial support or benefit for endorsement of products (e.g., books, training, drugs, etc.)
No Yes
5. Accuracy and utility of the materials presented, the basis of such statements, the limitations of the content being taught and the severe and most common risks?
No Yes

1. Facility was adequate for my needs (if applicable)
strongly disagree strongly agree
2. Special needs were met (if applicable)
strongly disagree strongly agree
3. Facility was comfortable and accessible (if applicable)
strongly disagree strongly agree
4. Food and beverage were adequate (if applicable)
strongly disagree strongly agree
5. Program brochure was informative and accurate (if applicable)
strongly disagree strongly agree

1. Information could be applied to my practice (if applicable)
strongly disagree strongly agree
2. Information could contribute to achieving personal or professional goals.
strongly disagree strongly agree
3. Cultural, racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender differences were considered.
strongly disagree strongly agree

1. How much did you learn in this course?
very little a great deal
2. Did this program enhance your professional expertise?
very little a great deal
3. Would you recommend this program to others?
very little a great deal

Participant Information
Please note your profession and status (Check all that apply)
 Medical Doctor
  Social Worker
  Creative Arts Therapist
  Chemical Dependency Counselor
  School Counselor
  Occupational Therapy

If Other, list your profession
Please note years in your profession
  1-5 years
  6-10 years
  11-20 years
  20+ years

What was your overall impression of the activity? What went well? What could have been improved?
What did you learn that was new or different? How and/or will this information change how you practice?
What topics or presenters would you like to see at future CE presentations?
31. How did you hear about this event (please be specific as to where you saw an ad, from what group you received an email, etc.)?
Other comments