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Course Information

Advanced Skills Modular: AEDP’s Magnificent ‘9+1’ Affective Change Processes - LIVE ONLINE



Diana Fosha, PhD, is the developer of AEDP™ psychotherapy, a healing-based, transformation-oriented treatment model. And she is Founder and Director of the AEDP Institute. For the last 20 years, Diana has been active in promoting a scientific basis for a healing-oriented, attachment-emotion-transformation focused trauma treatment model. Fosha’s work focuses on integrating positive neuroplasticity, recognition science and developmental dyadic research into experiential and transformational clinical work with patients. Her most recent work focuses on promoting flourishing as a seamless part of the AEDP therapeutic process of transforming emotional suffering. Drawing on affective neuroscience, attachment theory, mother-infant developmental research, and research documenting the undreamed-of plasticity in the adult brain, AEDP is an experiential clinical practice which reflects the integration of science, research and practice in psychotherapy.

Based in New York City, where she lives and practices, Fosha has been on the faculties of the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology of NYU and St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Medical Centers (now Mount Sinai) in NYC, and of the doctoral programs in clinical psychology at the Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies at Adelphi University and at The City University of New York.

She is the author of The Transforming Power of Affect: A Model for Accelerated Change (Basic Books, 2000); co-author, with Natasha Prenn, of Supervision Essentials for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (APA, 2016); 1st editor, with Dan Siegel and Marion Solomon, of  The Healing Power of Emotion: Affective Neuroscience, Development & Clinical Practice (Norton, 2009), and editor of the newest book on AEDP, Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering into Flourishing: AEDP 2.0 (APA, 2021). Diana is the author of numerous articles on AEDP’s attachment-emotion-transformation focused experiential treatment model. She has contributed chapters to, among others, Clinical Pearls of Wisdom: 21 Leading Therapists Offer their Key Insights, edited by M. Kerman (Norton, 2009); Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders: An Evidence-Based Clinician’s Guide, edited by C. Courtois & J. D. Ford (Guilford, 2009);  Healing Moments in Psychotherapy, edited by Dan Siegel and Marion Solomon (Norton, 2013); Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Transformation, edited by Loizzo, Neale & Wolf (Norton, 2017), Moments of Meeting in Psychoanalysis: Interaction and Change in the Therapeutic Encounter, edited by Lord (Routledge: 2017) and The Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy, Volume 1: Psychodynamic and Object Relations Therapies, edited by J. J. Magnavita (Wiley, 2002). Four DVDs of her live AEDP clinical work, including one documenting a complete 6-session treatment, and one on clinical supervision, have been issued by the American Psychological Association (APA). Learn more and purchase here.

Described by psychoanalyst James Grotstein as a “prizefighter of intimacy,” and by David Malan as “the Winnicott of [experiential] psychotherapy,” Diana Fosha is known for her powerful, precise yet simultaneously poetic and evocative affective writing and presenting style. Diana’s phrases — “undoing aloneness,” “existing in the heart and mind of the other,” “True Other,” “make the implicit explicit and the explicit experiential,” “stay with it and stay with me,” “rigor without shame” and “judicious self-disclosure” — capture the ethos of AEDP.


Workshop Description

AEDP has always been a multifaceted transformational  therapy. Naturally occurring, adaptive, affective change processes have always been at the heart of AEDP’s healing oriented, radically relational, transformational practice. And, the  clinical, practice-based theory of AEDP has also grown: It has expanded, deepened and been put to the test hundreds of thousands of times in transformational moments between patients and us, their AEDP therapists, worldwide.

With the advent of empirical research into AEDP’s effectiveness (Iwakabe et al, 2020), the need to systematize, codify and measure outcome and process in AEDP therapy has led to the development of what we have come to call The Magnificent '9 +1' Affective Change Processes Scale. This scale describes what makes AEDP, and why it’s proving to be so effective for so many patients.  This scale describes what makes AEDP AEDP, and attempts to capture what makes it effective for so many patients. These discrete AEDP affective change processes provide the scaffolding for AEDP’s clinical practice and transformational theory. They in essence operationalize and account for how change takes place in AEDP.

This course explores 9 affective change processes specific to AEDP, as well as the mystery “+1”. The 9 affective change processes are:  i. Transformance detection & affirmation of the self; ii. Noticing & seizing a moment of change for the better; iii.  Undoing aloneness; iv. Facilitating access to bodily-based experience; v. Working to dismantle defenses; vi. Dyadic affect regulation; vii. Experientially processing core affective experience, aiming toward a corrective emotional experience; viii. Broadening & building transformational experience, i.e., metatherapeutic processing; ix. Promoting integration and processing core state experiences.

This  Advanced Skills training is in keeping with the AEDP model: from experience comes insight and meaning. Insight and meaning are incredibly important and indeed transformational, but understanding follows from experience. Which is why we are teaching the fundamentals of AEDP’s transformational theory at the end of your advanced ES2 training, not at the beginning. Now that you have had so much training in AEDP and so many experiences with and in AEDP, this is an opportunity to reflect and integrate and experience (via the realization affects) that a new and deeper understanding has the potential to re-organize everything that came before it, and thus can lead to more rounds of the transformational spiral. 


Target Audience

Below are suggestions (please circle all and add others if needed)

Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Psychiatrists (←only partial credit for MDs via APA), Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Dentists

People who have completed ES1. Preference will be given to those who have had other ES2 courses and are in  AEDP supervision (individual, small group or core training)


Course Objectives

  • Describe the nine essential components of AEDP’s Magnificent '9 + 1' affective change processes
  • Recognize the different ways in which early relational learning shows up in the here-and-now experience of the client.
  • List the factors that foster positive neuroplasticity and demonstrate how they can be put to good use in psychotherapy.
  • Explain and demonstrate how AEDP’s technique of undoing aloneness can be used to disconfirm early learning and promote a corrective relational experience in therapy.
  • Understand the essential elements needed to promote emotional processing and working toward a corrective emotional experience and how to make use of them in therapy.
  • Explain and demonstrate how metaprocessing can be maximized to deepen transformation and the integration of new learning.
  • Interpret and unpack the “+1” Unmasked: The Spirit of AEDP


Day 1: Thursday, April 28, 2022
10:45 – 11:00 AM      
Room opens
11:00-11:40 AM
Welcome and Orientation to Module
11:40-12:50 PM
AEDP’s Transformational Theory; The '9+1' Affective Change Processes
12:50-1:15 PM
Meet your Experiential Group.

PM Break
1:30-2:45 PM
The 9 affective change processes: definition and clinical illustration
of each of the nice affective change process

2:45-3:00 PM
Metaprocessing the day and preparing for the next day’s experiential exercises.
3:00-3:15 PM
Office Hours
Day 2: Friday April 29, 2022
10:45 – 11:00   AM  
Room opens
11:00-11:45 PM
Meditation, Reflections on Teaching of Previous Day,
Q and A
11:45–12:00 PM
Large Group Instructions for Experiential Exercises
12:00-12:15 PM
Experiential Group Orientation to Experiential Exercises in your small groups.

12:15-3:00 PM
EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISES and Experiential Group Debriefing (with your small groups)
3:00-3:15 PM
Office Hours

Saturday, April 30, 2022

10:45 – 11:00 AM    
Room opens
11:00 – 11:45
AM Meditation, Reflections, Q and A
11:45 – 1:00 PM
Presentation: Transformance detection, undoing aloneness and the
experiential processing of core affective experience
1:00 – 1:15 PM Break
1:15 – 2:40 PM
Presentation: Metatherapeutic processing of transformational experience;
the integration of new experience into self. The +1: The spirit of AEDP

2:40 – 3:00
Metaprocessing the day and preparing for the next day’s
experiential exercises.
3:00 – 3:15 Office Hours

Day 4: Sunday, May 1, 2022
10:45 – 11:00 AM
Room opens
11:00-11:40 AM
Meditation, Reflections, Q and A.
11:40 – 11:45 AM
Large Group Instructions for Experiential Exercises
11:45 -12:00 PM
Experiential Group Orientation to Experiential Exercises in small group

12:00-2:00 PM

2:00—2:30 PM
Experiential small group: debriefing and closure of this module’s small group.
2:30 -2:45 PM
Large Group Q and A and Closing the big circle for this module.

2:45-3:00 PM Evaluations
3:00-3:15 Office Hours