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Transforming the Experience-Based Brain: Module 3

CEs only. To register for this event click here


Stephen J. Terrell, PsyD, SEP
Steve Terrell is a single adoptive parent of two children, living and practicing in Austin, Texas. Steve specializes in Attachment and Developmental Trauma Therapies. He has fully integrated touch work into his practice, which focuses on children and adults who have been affected by early trauma. He is a recognized leader in his work with adopted children and their families (both domestic and international). He combines his training in Neurosequential Development, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists, Reality Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR). He has also worked with first responders, and is trained in Trauma First Aid. Steve is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops on attachment-related issues, and the neurobiology of trauma.